At Recover Physiotherapy, we are acutely aware of the physical, psychological, societal and economic impact of COVID-19.
We recognise that until a vaccine has been developed and the general population is inoculated or has developed immunity, we must do all we can to limit the likelihood of infection and transmission of COVID-19 by continuing to practise good hygiene and social distancing.
We can't escape the fact that our profession requires us to be in contact with people closer than is currently recommended by health authorities.
So, in addition to already having physically separate air-conditioned consultation rooms and a team of health- and hygiene-conscious physiotherapists, we have made the following changes in the way that we deliver our services to ensure that we can continue to help you recover safely, including:
Requesting people who have travelled overseas or been casual contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days to refrain from entering the practice
Requesting our patients to reschedule their appointments if they are feeling unwell
Having our patients and team members wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitiser after entering the practice and before and after each consultation respectively
Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces and frequently used objects
Staggering and spreading appointments to minimise patient-to-patient interface at reception, waiting areas and corridors
Ensuring our team members eat well, sleep well, exercise well and stay well
Implementing a COVID-19 Management Plan to ensure swift, decisive and effective action in the event that any of our patients or team members exhibit symptoms and /or have casual or close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
In addition, we are providing more options for you to recover safely with us, including online consultations, more one-on-one exercise sessions and home visits.
Reducing the likelihood of infection
We're applying best practices to provide you with a safe practice

To meet the increasing demand for one-on-one physiotherapist supervised exercise sessions using Pilates equipment, we have reconfigured our spaces to provide you with more days and times to choose from.
Book online or call us on 9660 5566.
Learn more about one-on-one and group exercise classes including the latest timetable here>

We believe we can offer our patients the most effective and hygienic service from our purpose-built and fully-equipped consultation rooms and exercise studios.
However, we understand that, during this time, some patients would prefer us to visit them and treat them or supervise their exercise in their homes.
Subject to our assessment of access, availability of space and hygiene of your home as well as the safety and well-being of our physiotherapists, we may be able to arrange to visit and treat and/or supervise you at your home.
Please call us on 9660 5566 to explore the feasibility of a Home Visit.
Working out what's not working, explaining how to fix it and helping you back on the road to recovery - that's physiotherapy
Instructed by physiotherapists, our one-on-one physiotherapy exercise sessions using Pilates equipment such as Reformers and Trapeze help keep your joints mobile, muscles strengthened, movement controlled and, of course, help you get and stay fit!